Truth About Abs Review
The Truth About Abs Program has been written by Mike Geary, who happens to be a well known nutritional specialist and is certified personal trainer. Mike Geary graduated in science from Susquehanna University and during his professional career, has published numerous papers in a large number of fitness magazines.
The Program
Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the Truth About Abs is only for those people who desire to have been flat abs. They fail to understand that this program is more than just losing abs fat. In fact, the Truth About Abs is a complete body workout program along with a diet plan. So, it is a comprehensive approach to lose body fat.
Why is the Truth About Abs popular?
The author clearly explains that you can’t reduce fat exactly for a particular spot like abdominal muscles. You can only reduce the fat from the abdominal muscles by losing fat from all parts of the body. By adopting this approach, gradually you will look leaner and also lose abs fat. You can understand how this truth about abs scientifically explains matters related to your fitness.
The program doesn’t endorse any gimmicks; instead, it is based on sound and well researched concepts. By adopting the program, you will not only burn fat from all over your body but also increase your strength and improve muscle tone and overall fitness level as it concentrates on key compound movements.
The fitness instructions and workouts have been explained in a very simple and straightforward way so that people can understand and follow the exact movements. For those who are beginners and hardly understand the terms related to exercising, very vivid description using pictures have been provided by the author.
Moreover, most of the workouts have been designed with such simplicity that you can practice them even in your home without going to any gym. So this program is still valuable for those who don’t have any gym membership.
Dieting advice and suggestion provided by Mike is also outstanding. He goes beyond merely counting the calories, proteins, and fats contained in a particular diet by providing that valuable information which you never get elsewhere.
Mike is himself, a natural eater and his dietary approach reflect his philosophy. He provides so much information regarding your diet and their effects on the body that you will certainly think twice before eating those foods that are unsuitable for your body.
The program provides a good illustration that how the moderate calorie contained diet plan is going to shape your health and body if you stick to the plan. It explains that the diet plan shouldn’t be of very low calorie or low carb.
Truth About Abs Features
- Detailed 149 page manual explaining the exercise and nutrition and also motivating you so that you can achieve your goal.
- The program contains a metabolic calculator so that you can understand the calorie requirements of your body and accordingly adjust your diet for optimal fat loss.
- Detailed guide to help you plan your meals as per your diet requirements.
- Membership and subscription of newsletters regarding lean body fitness secrets by Mike.
- Free DVD titled ’The 5 Simple Keys To Guaranteed Fat Loss’ by Kim Lyons, who has participated in the TV program “The Biggest Loser”
- Four lectures on how you can maintain your motivation level high recorded on M power’s Fast Fitness Audio Series.
- Bodyweight fusion workout program for eight weeks using a dumbbell.
- Workout program with dumbbell and bodyweight exercises designed particularly for at home users.
Pros of Truth About Abs
- It’s a very power packed exercise schedule taking about 45 minutes to finish.
- It has about ten minute’s additional abs exercises for two or three days per week.
- Total focus is on healthy food, which is totally different from fat diet strategy.
- Even beginners can understand the program as it is very user friendly.
- The program is perfect for those who have a very busy schedule.
- It’s very quite easy to understand and follow up the program.
- The program is equally good for both men and women.
- To achieve good results very long sessions of Cardio exercises are not required.
- Has a sixty-day money-back guarantee where 100 percent money is refunded if you are not satisfied.
- The program contains the testimonials and comments from a number of users who have used the program.
Cons of Truth About Abs
- Food supplements are not necessarily required, but they are repeatedly promoted throughout the program.
- The program lacks exercise videos. It may be difficult to understand exact key movements by just looking at the pictures.
- The diet plans prescribed by this program is not cost effective. Though you can get cheaper verities, the program supports organic and specific varieties that can be very costly.
- By using this program you have to go alone as there is no community or forum support for this program. You can’t interact with other users.
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Product Informations
- Truth About Abs
- By: Mike Geary
- Price: $39.95